There are 14 questions in all and time limit is 45 minutes.

SECTION - A : CHOOSE APPROPRIATE ALTERNATIVE : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  1. Formation of petroleum in earth's crust is a ______ reaction.

    1. geochemical
    2. biochemical
    3. physiochemical
    4. physical

  2. Pyrex glass is ______.

    1. plasticized glass
    2. polymeric glass
    3. heat-resistant glass
    4. opaque glass

  3. Ethylethanoate is ______.

    1. an alcohol
    2. an acid
    3. an ester
    4. a ketone

  4. Which of the following is not an oxidising agent ?

    1. NaBH4
    2. KMnO4
    3. Cr2O3
    4. Fehling's solution

    SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total marks 4]

  5. Define : Rate of reaction.
  6. State the Law of Mass-Action.
  7. Who prepared Portland cement for the first time ? When ?
  8. What is formalin ?

    SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total marks 6]

  9. Explain : Molarity.
  10. Describe manufacture of lime.
  11. Show that the H atom in the -COOH group has acidic nature.

    SECTION - D : ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : [3 marks each, Total marks 6]

  12. Describe Ammonia-Soda process to obtain washing soda.
  13. Write chemical properties of formaldehyde giving chemical equations. OR Describe preparation of polyamides(nylon) and give its two uses.

    SECTION - E : ANSWER IN DETAIL : [5 marks each, Total marks 5]

  14. Write a detailed note on pH.

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