There are 54 questions in all and time limit is 3 hours.

each, Total marks 15]

  1. A bucky ball is a molecule consisting of ______ carbon atoms.

    1. 50
    2. 60
    3. 70
    4. 100

  2. In the spectrum of white light obtained with prism, ______ colour is deviated maximum.

    1. violet
    2. red
    3. green
    4. orange

  3. Which of the following is not correct ?

    1. P = W/t
    2. P = I2R
    3. P = WI
    4. P = VI

  4. The insulation cover on the earth wire is ______ in colour.

    1. red
    2. black
    3. green
    4. white

  5. 1 eV = ______ joule.

    1. 1.6 x 10(-17)
    2. 1.6 x 10(-18)
    3. 1.6 x 10(-19)
    4. 1.6 x 10(-20)

  6. The stars appearing ______ have very high/highest temperature.

    1. red
    2. blue
    3. white
    4. yellow

  7. The acid-base theory by Bronsted and Lowry...

    1. is based on donation of electron.
    2. does not give importance to the solvent.
    3. gives importance to the solvent.
    4. gives operational definition of acid and base.

  8. The formula of soda ash is ______.

    1. NaHCO3
    2. Na2CO3
    3. Na2CO3.10H2O
    4. NaOH

  9. What is the boiling point of acetic acid ?

    1. 98 °C
    2. 108 °C
    3. 118 °C
    4. 128 °C

  10. ______ is the formula of cuprite.

    1. Cu2O
    2. Cu2S
    3. CuCO3
    4. CuCl2

  11. ______ is a neutral oxide.

    1. Na2O
    2. CO2
    3. CO
    4. SO3

  12. The lungs are covered by two membranes called ______.

    1. glottis
    2. epiglottis
    3. pleura
    4. sphincter

  13. ______ pairs of spinal nerves arise from spinal cord.

    1. 21
    2. 31
    3. 23
    4. 46

  14. The method by which the desired characters of two plants can be combined is...

    1. cutting
    2. layering
    3. budding
    4. grafting

  15. The principle of inheritance of acquired characters was given by...

    1. Lamarck
    2. Weismann
    3. Darwin
    4. Hugo De Vries

    SECTION - B : ANSWER IN SHORT : [1 mark each, Total
    marks 15]

  16. Who photographed nanotubes for the first time ?
  17. State Snell's law.
  18. What is overloading ?
  19. What is magma ?
  20. Mention the calorific values of charcoal and wood ?
  21. What is corona ?
  22. State the pH of the solution whose pOH is 3.925.
  23. Why is NaCl added to the Plaster of Paris ?
  24. Write the chemical formulas of butanal and propanone.
  25. What is gangue ?
  26. Why is sulphuric acid known as the King of chemicals ?
  27. What is the function of phloem ?
  28. What is 'scion' ?
  29. Mention the limitation of Darwinism.
  30. What is conservation of environment ?

    SECTION - C : ANSWER IN BRIEF : [2 marks each, Total
    marks 24]

  31. Explain primary and composite colours giving examples. OR Explain why defects of vision arise.
  32. What is electrolysis ? Write Faraday's laws of electrolysis.
  33. Mention two advantages of alternating current.
  34. How are smokeless chulhas more efficient than traditional chulhas ? OR Mention names of terrestrial planets and their characteristics.
  35. Write a note on safety glass.
  36. What are condensation polymers ? Give examples.
  37. Explain with example : Reaction of nonmetals with chlorine.
  38. Describe biosynthetic phase of photosynthesis with diagram. OR Explain : Rhesus factor.
  39. Describe endocrine glands in short.
  40. What individual care should one take to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ?
  41. Explain : Variation.
  42. Describe sewage treatment.

    SECTION - D : ANSWER THE FOLLOWING : [3 marks each,
    Total marks 21]

  43. Describe tensile strength and thermal conductivity as properties of nanotubes.
  44. Explain Cartesian sign convention for spherical mirrors with the help of a diagram.
  45. Explain the re-use of byproducts obtained during Solvay's ammonia soda process. OR Describe three chemical properties of ethyl alcohol(ethanol).
  46. Write a note on allotropes of sulphur.
  47. Describe nutrition in amoeba with diagram.
  48. Explain : Tropism OR Describe regeneration as a method of reproduction.
  49. Mention harmful effects of water pollution.

    SECTION - E : ANSWER IN DETAIL : [5 marks each, Total
    marks 25]

  50. Describe construction and working of a simple voltaic cell.
  51. Explain Solar water heater with a neat diagram. OR Describe various orbits of artificial satellites giving appropriate details.
  52. Derive the expression for the equilibrium constant for the reaction : A + B --> C + D .
  53. Describe extraction of aluminium from bauxite using Bayer's process and Hall-Heroult process. OR Explain how metals react with oxygen, water and dilute acids giving proper examples.
  54. Describe excretion in earthworm.

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